目前分類:Feelings (88)

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Though I was totally FURIOUS yesterday, there were still good things happening.
First of all, in "The Structure of English", Dr. Jain taught us "past participle" & "present participle".
I was so excited because this is what MY students in Taiwan would definitely know.

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本來想說把Position Paper寫一些再出去的.可是一早起來發覺外面出著.就忍不住提早出門

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這門課是開學以來我上得最開心的課.Casey Keck好NICE~
中午的時候我冒著冷風到Cafe買了個Roast Beef Sandwich(Sourdough)+Cafe Au Lait

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裡面有房東留給我的一台超大但白天看不太清楚的電視.還有掛衣服的架子.一個上半部全都放滿了酒.茶杯組和裝飾品並且鎖起來的櫃子.一台movable heater.書桌.沙發床.茶几各一張以及真的可以用的fireplace!

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  • Jul 10 Tue 2007 09:23


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  • Jul 04 Wed 2007 17:59
  • Food


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Technically, yesterday was my FIRST day of summer vacation, but it was NOW that I realize how much I enjoyed it!
I got up early, went to the gym, had my laptop & desktop fixed, watched a DVD & had dinner with Yvonne.
And of course, I drank lots of water & a cup of FRESH juice.

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on his admission to The King's University College.

Life is suddenly good again, isn't it?

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From now on, my Mother's Day will be on the 3rd Wednesday of March.
I think my kids(if there are any in the future) will think this is such a SMART decision, too, because in this way, we won't have to make reservation at any of the OVERLY-PACKED restaurants & we'll be SO special.
3 has been my lucky number since a long, long time ago.

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I got a message from Helen here on Monday, which made me EXTREMELY happy, because there were no messages for me at all before!
Helen was my student since I got my present job at Tai-S.
We were not that close in the beginning & she used to play tricks on me, like putting mung beans & rice into my pencil case...stuff like that.

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Finally, I rang you back.
I know you've been caring about me, never give up!
This was what I was so sad about.

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I was THAT CLOSE to break my own bowling record, which was 88 points...but I had too much confidence in myself, so I just screwed up-_-
I got 2 STRIKES, followed by 2 ZEROS...
Anyhow, I was very happy that we went there & I think we should do this more often.

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It was very good, though I was so FULL^_^
I think all 4 of us had a really good time.
That's it!

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