I didn't make it to the Body Balance class at noon because I was too full-_-
Then, I spent my afternon fooling around, which was a bad thing!
Today, in Zhu-bei branch, we celebrated Halloween together.
Everybody made a card with his/her own foot on the front.
Though I tried very hard to make it more like a ghost, mine was actually more like a dog...(I'm still so bad at art...)
Anywayz...I think everyone had a good time; that's enough!

After class, I forced myself to go to Alexander.
Amazingly, there were so many people that I couldn't find a place to jog or practice climbing the ladder.
And everyone was crazy about Body Combat...(I should give it a try some day!)
I have never seen so many people at the same time!!!
Thus, I just took a quick shower & came home.


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