And here...I'm going to write a little about this past trip I made to Taiwan!
From the very beginning...nobody knew I was gonna go back.
OK, sister & some of my classmates here in SFSU did.
So, when I arrived at the SFO airport, I finally got the courage to call back to my dad, asking him to pick me up @ the airport 12 hours later.
He thought it was a joke, maybe it was April Fool's Day or something.
Anyhow, 12 hours later, I got to Taiwan, safe & sound, with a huge coat on. Pretty stupid, isn't it?
The next day, I went to Zhudong, visiting old students because they were to take the entrance exam to senior high school.
It was always good to have this kind of reunion; hope they were as happy to see me!
Also, I FINALLY got the cards from my students for last Christmas. Very TOUCHING, as you can imagine.
During the day, I tried so hard to stay CONSCIOUS…very MISERABLE!
The must-do for every day was reading Apple-Daily, First Weekly (the GOSSIP one) was for every week.
I went shopping twice; totally GLAD that the clerks of Clarins @ SOGO still remembered me WELL.
I also got many, MANY masks, for it’s way too DRY here in SF.
One day, Mom & I went to this sale for kid’s clothes; I tried very hard to GRAB something nice for FATTY Jayden! (Ha^)
Drove Mom to the hospital in Taipei once.
Oh, this was the main reason that I went back: Mom had this surgery around her neck for the 2nd time because of her spine problem. (The last time was in the year when 911 happened!)
Thanks for asking, but she’s getting better & better each day!
I was so good at driving though I cursed people so much that Mom suggested my talking to a doc. (She MEANT it!!!)
One week went past & more relatives knew about my going back.
In the 2nd week, mostly we were busy with our old apartment in downtown Hsinchu.
It was really, really exhausting, you’ve got to believe me!!!
And I made a terrible mistake about mailing Yvonne some stuff I got here (for her to make BANANA smoothie).
I didn’t realize that it wouldn’t take long for her to get it, so she found out my little secret & called!!! (Smart you!!!)
And then, I went back to Zhudong again…this time, a nice, long chat!!!
It shouldn’t be surprising that I didn’t stop eating during that period of time.
I ate…滷味, 蘿蔔糕, 魯肉飯, 五色豆花(以前明明就只有三色!哈~), 鴨肉麵(twice), 鹹豆漿, 鍋貼, 河粉蛋餅, 芝麻甜餅, 各式各樣的饅頭(紅糖, 芋泥, 桂圓, 芋頭, 紅豆), 11街, 御飯糰, 銅鑼燒, 雞蛋糕, 萬丹紅豆餅(twice), 肉圓(twice), 蚵仔煎, 魷魚羹, 珍珠奶茶(2個星期才喝5杯而已-_-), 鹽酥雞(twice), 紅豆牛奶剉冰, 茶碗蒸, 劉媽媽菜包, 阿婆壽司, 東南排骨, 竹山意麵(twice), 北門炸粿, 老黃牛肉麵(就是這家店的老闆以為我是啞巴~哈!), 蘋果麵包, 海綿蛋糕, 北方小館泰式酸辣麵, 榕樹下, 蛋餅夾油條...上飛機前還硬是吃了一個御便當!大概就以上而已...
Anyhoo...I hope you find it interesting to read my late travel report!
More about my life after I got back in SF will come up really soon!
- Jun 13 Fri 2008 09:12
Late travel report