01. Ride the world's biggest rollercoaster
      Dare to keep your eyes open and hands in the air for the whole ride
02. Bungee jump!
      Scared? At 700ft, the Bloukran's river bridge in South Africa is the biggest
03. Score the winning goal/basket
      Remind all your friends at every given opportunity
04. Win an award, trophy or prize
      Write that acceptance speech and thank the world
05. Learn an instrument
      No air guitar
06. Go backstage at a gig
      It'll be something you'll boast about for years to come
07. Meet your idol
      Being a celebrity stalker might not go down too well
08. Play a part in your favorite tv show
      Be an extra and learn to speak without talking
09. Meet someone with your own name
      With a world population of 6 billion it should be easy
10. Make a discovery
      Whatever the discovery, make sure it's named after you
11. Get away with the perfect practical joke
      Be careful of retaliation, it could end in tears
12. Own a pointless collection
      One person's junk is another person's prized possession
13. Invent a word that makes it into the dictionary
      Make it a part of your crew's lingo
14. Conquer your biggest fear
      If you're too scared, try hypnotism
15. Raise money for charity
      Get some exercise by signing up for a charity road race
16. Pass your driving test the first time
      Go straight to the next task
17. Complete a road trip coast to coast
      Route 66 originally ran from Chicago to Santa Monica
18. Reach 18 years of age - yes!!!
      Embrace old age


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